Thursday, May 11, 2017

How to crush it during your finals

No student likes taking finals, but just think of the sweet freedom that comes afterwards! I would know. I'm taking (grad school) finals this week while you guys are getting ready for yours.

I have been taking finals in college (while working) for years. Sometimes this has been dreadful and I've learned a few tricks along the way on how to crush finals even when things are busy. Here is a few tips I have learned:

  1. Get enough sleep.  Your brain needs it to store and recall info! (7-8 hours is optimal!) 
  2. Eat tasty, healthy meals to operate at 100%. 
    1. Both 2 and 3 are often under-valued by students. It can be the difference between a sharp or dull memory. I've experienced both sides of this and would rather sleep more if I have  little less study time because it affects me so much. 

  1. Pray up and down that God helps you and guides you. He is the Creator & Lord of all truth, so ask Him to help you know and remember His truth!
  1. Give yourself a carrot to look forward to after finals. See if you can go to a movie, get some ice cream, or whatever is fun. (not that you guys are donkeys like below...)
  2. Use the best study habits:
    1. Study creatively - summarize info by writing it out, draw pictures, make acronyms, teach it back to your dog, create weird associations, walk while you read, have someone test you. All these will help you remember things that are boring and hard to retain.
    2. Study without distractions. If you are serious studying, make sure you are not distracted. Maybe you should come to study shelter and work on knocking out some studying!
    3. Study in increments. Study for 25 minutes, take a 5 minute break. Repeat 3x and take a longer 20 min break. (this is used by medical students!) The app "BeFocused" is built to help you do just this! check it out in the app store.
    4. Wind down & review. End your night by relaxing for a bit, showering, and then a 1/2 hour before bed review your information. 
    5. When you wake up, review again and you will remember much better during your test. If it is a morning final, it is better to just focus on reviewing, not learning new stuff!
  3. Give yourself time to recover. 
    1. Even at the time I am writing this I am fatigued and intentionally trying to take it easy. God made a day of rest for a good reason. Don't plan to go crazy with summer on day 1. Plan to take it easy 1-2 days and then go all out!

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